Stabilize the Homelessness Response System
Connecticut has seen a 14% rise in homelessness year over year since 2021 and is experiencing the highest reported unsheltered crisis in recent history. Homelessness in the state has been declared a public health crisis, but the Homeless Response System tasked with solving that crisis has not been provided consistent or adequate resources to achieve this goal.
- Fact sheet
- Other materials
- Lead Partner: Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness
- Status: SB 145 passed Housing Committee with funding removed
Take Action
- Email your legislator asking them to support the Growing Together CT agenda
The CT CAN End Homelessness initiative is asking the legislature to invest $20 Million to stabilize and strengthen Connecticut’s Homeless Response System. With this ongoing investment, we can ensure that homelessness is infrequent and short-term, saving lives and public dollars. This investment would support:
Annualized Cold Weather Emergency Response Program Funding. Winter comes every year. As of January, over 800 people were sleeping outside in places unfit for human.
Strengthened shelter and outreach capacity: Organizations are unable to hire and retain life-saving staff. 82% of our homeless response system employees cannot afford a one-bedroom apartment. Additional investments are necessary to have a functioning emergency response system and give homeless and housing service organizations funding for necessary staffing and operational costs.
Increase and annualize funding for Diversion and Coordinated Access Network (CAN) Hubs. Diversion is one of the most cost-effective methods to prevent The system lost more than 57 full-time positions responsible for this work due to the Emergency Solutions Grant-CARES Act (ESG-CV) funding cliff in 2023, and current funding is temporary. To continue to increase diversion rates and for CAN hubs to connect people with critical support and resources to resolve their housing crisis additional investments are needed.
Increase and annualize funding for the Coordinated Access Network (CAN) Backbone Agencies. CANs are the critical agencies that lead the emergency Homeless Response System and effectively organize the system of care but are primarily funded with one-time or temporary Additional support is required to prevent system interruptions and maximize performance.
- Annualize Flexible Funding Subsidy. This funding subsidizes housing and provides flexible assistance to help individuals, families, and youth overcome financial barriers.