Subsidized Housing Investments
Fact Sheet from Lead Organizations
Invest in State Housing Vouchers: The state’s Rental Assistance Program (RAP) provides low-income families fortunate enough to get off its waitlist the financial support necessary to cover the portion of their rent that exceeds a third of their salary. While housing costs have increased significantly, the funding for this program has not, so it is serving fewer families. This proposal calls for an additional $72 million allocation for RAP in the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year. (Lead organization: HOMECT/Partnership for Strong Communities)
Housing Navigation and Mobility Counseling: As the housing market has tightened, affordable units are harder to find. Housing navigators can help with the search, and mobility counselors — specialists in searches in hard-to-reach areas that tend to be resource-rich — can provide focused assistance to families looking to make such moves. This proposal requests $5 million for housing navigation and mobility services to assist voucher recipients with finding homes. (Lead organization: HOMECT/Partnership for Strong Communities)
Support Housing Construction Subsidies: Changes to zoning are a critical way to expand the supply of lower-cost housing, but for some families, additional government housing subsidies are critical to putting housing within their reach. This proposal requests a 2024-2025 Fiscal Year bond authorization increase of $150 million for the Housing FLEX Fund and $75 million for the Housing Trust Fund. (Lead organization: HOMECT/Partnership for Strong Communities)